E' stato rilasciato da poche ore l'update CS2 per Pro Tools 8, disponibile per le piattaforme Mac OS e Win, per i sistemi M-Powered, LE e HD.
Disponibile a partire dalla pagina:
trova numerose correzioni ad errori riscontrati nella precedente release:
Pro Tools HD 8.0cs2 for Mac OS X contains fixes in the following areas:
- Editing
- Plug-in automation
- Send automation
- Video Playback
- Session file management
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Third Party software
- Editing
- Plug-in automation
- Send automation
- Video Playback
- Editing
- Plug-in automation
- Send automation
- Video Playback
- Session file management
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Pro Tools LE 8.0cs2 for Windows contains fixes in the following areas:
Pro Tools M-Powered 8.0cs2 for Mac OS X contains fixes in the following areas:
Pro Tools M-Powered 8.0cs2 for Windows contains fixes in the following areas:
- Editing
- Plug-in automation
- Send automation
- Video Playback
- Editing
- Plug-in automation
- Session file management
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Editing
- Plug-in automation